Irene Giles- Foundation Governor
Meet Irene
We are so fortunate and blessed to have the support of Irene Giles, our Foundation Governor as part of our school team. Here is what she has to say about her role:
'I have been a governor at Loscoe Primary School and Nursery for over 20 years and became a Foundation Governor in 2015. This means that I am able to represent St Luke's Church at our school's Governor's meetings.
I have been a member of St Luke's Church since 1998 and am now PCC secretary and Parish Safeguarding Link.
In September 2019, I was honoured to attend a service at Derby Cathedral where I received a Bishop's Medal for my work with the Church, School and our local Brownie unit.
As a Foundation Governor, I was invited to become a member of the R.E. team, and I am privileged to be able to help support the Christian ethos of the school.'